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Are you looking for a geocache? Do you need to check the coordinates for a cache someone else owns?
Sorry, but you cannot start here. We do not maintain a database of links to geocaches.
Instead, you need to find and follow special links to GeoChecker. These special links are created by the cache owners, and they contain all the information needed to verify that you solved their puzzle correctly. You will usually find those links on a Geocaching or OpenCaching cache listing page. So start on the website or website , find the puzzle cache listing, and look for a GeoChecker link.
The link will usually look something like this:
You can check your solution on GeoChecker. (visit link)
or this:
What do you do if there is no GeoChecker link? Well, it will not help to create one yourself. We do not know any geocache coordinates. You must contact the cache owner through their Geocaching or OpenCaching profile, give them our website address (, and suggest that they create a GeoChecker link.
If you'd like to try it, here is a sample geocache link for an imaginary cache. The coordinates are encoded for N38 00.000, W76 00.000.
Are you interested in providing a link to people who are trying to solve YOUR puzzle to find YOUR cache? Start here.